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Pisos de Vegetación de Chile (Terrestrial Ecosystems of Chile)

Clasificación de Pisos de Vegetación para Chile continental presentada en el libro "Sinopsis Bioclimatica y Vegetacional de Chile" de Federico Luebert y Patricio Pliscoff, Editorial Universitaria, 2006. El concepto de piso de vegetación es defindo aquí como "espacios caracterizados por un conjunto de comunidades vegetales zonales con estructura y fisionomía uniforme, situadas bajo condiciones mesoclimáticamente homogéneas, que ocupan una posición determinada a lo largo de un gradiente de elevación, a una escala espacio-temporal específica".

Un piso de vegetación se caracteriza típicamente por una formación vegetal con especies dominantes específicas y un piso bioclimático bajo el cual tales formaciones pueden ser encontradas. El espacio que se identifica con un piso de vegetación puede ser caracterizado, a posteriori, por su composición florística, su dinámica y su heterogeneidad interna.


Federico Luebert, Patricio Pliscoff (2006) Sinopsis bioclimática y vegetacional de Chile. Editorial Universitaria. Santiago de Chile. Federico Luebert, Patricio Pliscoff (2018) Sinopsis bioclimática y vegetacional de Chile, Segunda edición. Editorial Universitaria. Santiago de Chile.

Federico Luebert, & Patricio Pliscoff. (2016). Sinopsis bioclimática y vegetacional de Chile / Bioclimatic and vegetational synopsis of Chile [Data set]. In Sinopsis bioclimática y vegetacional de Chile. Editorial Universitaria.

Data availability

The updated layers (2nd edition of the book) are available in a Zenodo repository.

Alternative sources (older file version?) are:

Data download and preparation

source ~/proyectos/CES/cesdata/env/

mkdir -p $GISDATA/vegetation/regional/Chile-pisos
cd $GISDATA/vegetation/regional/Chile-pisos

wget '' -O
unzip -u

We also add the files: Chile_IUCN_redlist and Functional_Group_Chile_Arg provided by Patricio Pliscoff -()- Alaska to Patagonia project.

Original projection in WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_19S

ogrinfo -geom=NO Chile_IUCN_redlist.shp Chile_IUCN_redlist | less

This gets the data in the original projection and promoted to multi-geometry

psql -h $DBHOST -U $DBUSER -d $DBNAME  -c "CREATE SCHEMA chile_rle"

# old version with assessment outcome
## ogr2ogr: driver `PostgreSQL' not installed on katana
## problem with older version of gdal in terra
ogr2ogr -f "PostgreSQL" PG:"host=$DBHOST user=$DBUSER dbname=$DBNAME" -nlt PROMOTE_TO_MULTI -lco SCHEMA=chile_rle Chile_IUCN_redlist.shp -nln assessment_criteria

# newer version from Zenodo
ogr2ogr -f "PostgreSQL" PG:"host=$DBHOST user=$DBUSER dbname=$DBNAME" shape_pisos.shp -lco SCHEMA=chile_rle -nlt PROMOTE_TO_MULTI -nln assessment_units


We checked the file GETcrosswalk_sample_Chile_PatricioPliscoff_correct.xlsx, there are however some inconsistencies in the numbering/naming. For EFG T3.3 the selection of units correspond to this (but Bosque caducifolio templado andino de Nothofagus pumilio y Chiliotrichum diffusum is actually named as a Matorral arborescente caducifolio templado in the crosswalk, and numbers are different):

 psql gisdata  jferrer -c "SELECT id,pisos from vegchile.chile_iucn_redlist WHERE id>60 and id <71 ORDER BY id"

Login to postgis psql -d gisdata :

CREATE TABLE vegchile.T3_3_Chile AS
SELECT ogc_fid,id,formacion,pisos,ST_Transform(wkb_geometry,4326) AS wkb_geometry
FROM vegchile.chile_iucn_redlist
WHERE id>60 and id <71

Red list of ecosystem assessments

Compare results from continental and national RLE assessment with Alaniz et al.

this is inv-projected to longlat wgs84

ogr2ogr  -t_srs EPSG:4326 Chile_IUCN_redlist.shp   $GISDATA/ecosistemas/RLEDB/Chile/Chile_IUCN_redlist.shp
ogr2ogr -f "PostgreSQL" PG:"host=localhost user=jferrer dbname=rle_gis_db" -nlt PROMOTE_TO_MULTI -lco SCHEMA=chile -lco OVERWRITE=YES Chile_IUCN_redlist.shp
ogr2ogr -t_srs EPSG:4326 -where "id IN ('32','33','34','35','38','39','40','41','42','43','44','45')" Selected_Alaniz.shp $GISDATA/ecosistemas/RLEDB/Chile/Chile_IUCN_redlist.shp

From Alaniz Cross classified as forest macrogroup M652: 32 Interior mediterranean thorn forest of A. caven and Prosopis chilensis 33 Andean mediterranean thorn forest of A. caven and Baccharis paniculata 34 Coastal Mediterranean thorn forest of A. caven and Maytenus boaria 35 Interior mediterranean thorn forest of A. caven and Lithraea caustica 38 Andean Mediterranean sclerophyll forest of Kageneckia angustifolia and Guindilia trinervis 39 Coastal Mediterranean sclerophyll forest of Cryptocarya alba and P. boldus 40 Coastal Mediterranean sclerophyll forest of L. caustica and C. alba 41 Andean Mediterranean sclerophyll forest of Q. saponaria and L. caustica 42 Coastal Mediterranean sclerophyll forest of L. caustica and Azara integrifolia 43 Interior Mediterranean sclerophyll forest of L. caustica and P. boldus 44 Andean Mediterranean sclerophyll forest of L. caustica and Lomatia hirsuta 45 Interior Mediterranean sclerophyll psammophytic forest of Q. saponaria and Fabiana imbricata

Cross classified as forest macrogroup M653: 46 Coastal Mediterranean deciduous forest of Nothofagus macrocarpa and Ribes punctatum 47 Interior Mediterranean deciduous forest of Nothofagus obliqua and C. alba 48 Andean Mediterranean deciduous forest of N. obliqua and Austrocedrus chilensis 49 Coastal Mediterranean deciduous forest of Nothofagus glauca and Azara petiolaris 50 Coastal Mediterranean deciduous forest of N. glauca and Persea lingue

Other non-forest macrogroups (not evaluated) 36 Coastal mediterranean sclerophyll arborescent scrub of Peumus boldus and Schinus latifolius 37 Interior mediterranean sclerophyll arborescent scrub of Quillaja saponaria and Porlieria chilesis 111 Coastal Mediterranean short scrub of Chuquiraga oppositifolia and Mulinum spinosum

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