ALOS World 3D
Global 1,5,10,100-km Topography - EarthEnv
Global 1,5,10,100-km Topography - EarthEnv
Climatologies at high resolution for the earth’s land surface areas
Pisos de Vegetación de Chile
Ecosistemas terrestres de Colombia
EarthEnv Tropical Cloud Forests
Global 1,5,10,100-km Topography - EarthEnv
European Red List of habitats
Glacier Thickness Database 3.1.0
GLIMS Glacier database
GMBA Mountain Inventory
Inventario Publico de Glaciares - Chile
RLE of terrestrial and marine ecosystems of Madagascar
Terrestrial ecosystems of Myanmar, Version 1.0
Inventario Nacional de Glaciares - Argentina
Mapa de Cobertura Vegetal Actualizado - Peru
Global PyGEM-OGGM Glacier Projections
Randolph Glacier Inventory, version 6.0
Volcanoes of the World database
Terrestrial and marine ecosystems of South Africa
Vegetación de Bolivia
Unidades de vegetación de la Argentina
World Glacier Inventory, Version 1