NVIS data products
Australia - Present Major Vegetation Groups - NVIS Version 6.0 (Albers 100m analysis product)
A range of NVIS data products are available, which are appropriate for use at different scales. Detailed data is received from state and territory custodians with standard NVIS attributes and compiled into the NVIS database. These datasets are appropriate for use at a regional scale. Where there is agreement with the custodian, the detailed data has been made publicly available in the latest release of the NVIS. The detailed data is generalised and added to non-NVIS gap-fill data and then recompiled to create the NVIS Major Vegetation Group (MVG) and Major Vegetation Subgroup (MVS) products. This generalised data is better suited for national-scale analyses.
Data download and preparation
Search download links for Major vegetation groups
in :
source ~/proyectos/CES/cesdata/env/project-env.sh
mkdir -p $GISDATA/vegetation/regional/NVIS-Australia/
cd $GISDATA/vegetation/regional/NVIS-Australia/
## manual download from webpage, then use scp or rsync to copy to server
#scp ~/Downloads/*NVIS* $zID@kdm.restech.unsw.edu.au:/srv/scratch/cesdata/gisdata/vegetation/regional/NVIS-Australia
#scp ~/Downloads/*EXT.zip $zID@kdm.restech.unsw.edu.au:/srv/scratch/cesdata/gisdata/vegetation/regional/NVIS-Australia