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WGI 2012


World Glacier Inventory, Version 1

The World Glacier Inventory (WGI) represents a a snapshot of the glacier distribution in the second half of the 20th century. It contains information for over 130,000 glaciers, based primarily on aerial photographs and maps, most glaciers have a single data entry. It is based on the World Glacier Monitoring Service (WGMS 1989).


WGMS, and National Snow and Ice Data Center (comps.). 1999, updated 2012. World Glacier Inventory, Version 1. [Indicate subset used]. Boulder, Colorado USA. NSIDC: National Snow and Ice Data Center. doi: [Date Accessed].

Data access

Available at:

Data download and preparation

source ~/proyectos/CES/cesdata/env/



wget --continue

We import this dataset in postgis for further data preparation and selection

psql gisdata jferrer -c "CREATE SCHEMA wgi"

ogr2ogr -f "PostgreSQL" PG:"host=localhost user=jferrer dbname=gisdata" -lco SCHEMA=wgi -nlt PROMOTE_TO_MULTI $GISDATA/inventories/WGI_2012/wgi_shapefile_feb2012.shp WGI_2012

This way we can summarize information according to documented variables, for example:

SELECT prim_class,count(*) as nr from wgi.wgi_shapefile_feb2012 group by prim_class;

En el que ''prim_class'' es una de las siguientes:

0MiscellaneousAny type not listed below.
1Continental Ice SheetInundates areas of continental size.
2Ice FieldIce masses of the sheet or blanket type with a thickness that is insufficient to obscure the subsurface topography.
3Ice CapDome-shaped ice masses with radial flow.
4Outlet GlacierDrains an ice sheet, ice field, or ice cap, usually of valley glacier form; the catchment area may not be easily defined.
5Valley GlacierFlows down a valley; the catchment area is well defined.
6Mountain GlacierCirque, niche type, crater type, or hanging glacier; also includes ice aprons and groups of small units.
7Glacieret and SnowfieldSmall ice masses of indefinite shape in hollows, river beds, or on protected slopes that have developed from snow drift, avalanches, and/or particularly heavy accumulation in certain years. Usually no marked flow pattern is visible; and it has been in existence for at least two consecutive years.
8Ice ShelfFloating ice sheet of considerable thickness attached to a coast nourished by a glacier or glaciers; snow accumulation on its surface or bottom freezing.
9Rock GlacierLava-stream-like debris mass containing ice in several possible forms and moving slowly downslope.

This dataset is used for...

IUCN RLE assessment of tropical glaciers