Ecosystem types of Europe
The dataset combines the Copernicus land service portfolio and marine bathymetry and seabed information with the non-spatial EUNIS habitat classification for a better biological characterization of ecosystems across Europe. As such it represents probabilities of EUNIS habitat presence for each MAES ecosystem type.
European Commision Technical report – 2016 – 095; Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services — Mapping and assessing the condition of Europe's ecosystems: progress and challenges — 3rd Report – Final, March 2016
source ~/proyectos/CES/cesdata/env/
mkdir -p $GISDATA/ecosystems/regional/MAES
cd $GISDATA/ecosystems/regional/MAES
wget --continue --output-document="Ecosystem types of Europe - version 3.1 Full"
cd $GISDATA/ecosystems/regional/MAES
unzip -u Ecosystem\ types\ of\ Europe\ -\ version\ 3.1\ Full\
dbfdump Ecosystem\ types\ of\ Europe\ -\ version\ 3.1\ Full\ map/eea_r_3035_100_m_etm-full_2012_v3-1_r00.tif.vat.dbf
r0 <- raster(dir(sprintf("%s/ecosystems/regional/MAES/Ecosystem types of Europe - version 3.1 Full map",,pattern='tif$',full.names = T))
EUNIS.table <- read.dbf(dir(sprintf("%s/ecosystems/regional/MAES/Ecosystem types of Europe - version 3.1 Full map",,pattern='dbf$',full.names = T))
F - Heathland, scrub and tundra 30 7810607.00000000000 F1 Tundra 31 8550877.00000000000 F2 Arctic, alpine and subalpine scrub 32 5448621.00000000000 F3 Temperate and mediterranean-montane scrub 33 411768.00000000000 F4 Temperate shrub heathland 34 4996471.00000000000 F5 Maquis, arborescent matorral and thermo-Mediterranean brushes 35 1070059.00000000000 F6 Garrigue 36 1791083.00000000000 F7 Spiny Mediterranean heaths (phrygana, hedgehog-heaths and related coastal cliff vegetation) 37 95399.00000000000 F8 Thermo-Atlantic xerophytic scrub 38 10687.00000000000 F9 Riverine and fen scrubs 40 6371004.00000000000 FB Shrub plantations