Global Distribution of Mangroves USGS, version 1.3
This dataset shows the global distribution of mangrove forests, derived from earth observation satellite imagery. The dataset was created using Global Land Survey (GLS) data and the Landsat archive. Approximately 1,000 Landsat scenes were interpreted using hybrid supervised and unsupervised digital image classification techniques. See Giri et al. (2011) for full details.
Giri C, Ochieng E, Tieszen LL, Zhu Z, Singh A, Loveland T, Masek J, Duke N (2011). Status and distribution of mangrove forests of the world using earth observation satellite data (version 1.3, updated by UNEP-WCMC). Global Ecology and Biogeography 20: 154-159. doi: [10.1111/j.1466-8238.2010.00584.x] .
Giri, C., E. Ochieng, L.L.Tieszen, Z. Zhu, A. Singh, T. Loveland, J. Masek, and N. Duke. 2013. Global Mangrove Forests Distribution, 2000. Palisades, NY: NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC). Accessed DAY MONTH YEAR
Data access
Available at WCMC:
Available at SEDAC:
Data download and preparation
source ~/proyectos/CES/cesdata/env/
mkdir -p $GISDATA/ecosystems/global/WCMC-mangroves-2000
cd $GISDATA/ecosystems/global/WCMC-mangroves-2000
wget --continue
Check download and use makevalid
to avoid problems when intersecting this layer
unzip $GISDATA/ecosystems/global/WCMC-mangroves-2000/
tree WCMC010_MangrovesUSGS2011_v1_4/
# qsub -I -l select=1:ncpus=12:mem=120gb,walltime=24:00:00
source ~/proyectos/CES/cesdata/env/
module add sqlite/3.31.1 spatialite/5.0.0b0 python/3.8.3 perl/5.28.0 gdal/3.2.1 geos/3.8.1
export WD=$GISDATA/ecosystems/global/WCMC-mangroves-2000/
export OUTPUT=$WD/USGS-valid-output
mkdir -p $OUTPUT
if [ $(ogrinfo --version | grep "GDAL 3.2" -c) -eq 1 ]
ogr2ogr -f "GPKG" MangroveUSGS2011_valid.gpkg $WD/WCMC010_MangrovesUSGS2011_v1_4/01_Data/14_001_WCMC010_MangroveUSGS2011_v1_4.shp 14_001_WCMC010_MangroveUSGS2011_v1_4 -nlt PROMOTE_TO_MULTI -makevalid
echo " ogr version does not support -makevalid flag"
##ogr2ogr -f "GPKG" GMW_${YEAR}_valid.gpkg $WD/01_Data/GMW_${YEAR}_v2.shp GMW_${YEAR}_v2 -nlt PROMOTE_TO_MULTI