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Global Map of Irrigation Areas, v 5.0


Siebert, S., Henrich, V., Frenken, K., Burke, J. (2013): Update of the Global Map of Irrigation Areas to version 5. Project report, 178 p. (4 MB) Siebert, S., Döll, P., Hoogeveen, J., Faures, J.-M., Frenken, K., Feick, S. (2005): Development and validation of the global map of irrigation areas. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 9, 535-547.

Data download:

For the GIS-users the map is distributed in two different formats: as zipped ASCII-grid that can be easily imported in most GIS-software that supports raster data or grids; and, to accommodate people who use GIS-software that doesn't support raster data or grids, as a zipped ESRI shape files. It should be noted, however, that the values in the ASCII-grids have a precision of 6 decimals while the values in the shape-file have a precision of 2 decimals. For model calculations it is therefore recommended to use the grid-version. As a service to those people who would need to know the absolute area equipped for irrigation, another ASCII-grid is available in which the area equipped for irrigation is expressed in hectares per cell. Non-GIS-users can download the map as PDF-file in two different resolutions.

source ~/proyectos/CES/cesdata/env/

mkdir -p $GISDATA/antroposphere/global/Aquastat-v5
cd $GISDATA/antroposphere/global/Aquastat-v5

wget --continue ''

unzip -u $GISDATA/antroposphere/global/Aquastat-v5/